Bat survey June 2023

Common Pipistrelle

In June 2023 we were very happy to be surveyed for bats, as part of the Carmarthenshire Bat Project. The project aims to build on the biological records for bats at the West Wales Biodiversity Information Centre (WWBIC).

Between 2nd and 5th June 2023, a bat survey was carried out, with four Audiomoth bat detectors deployed around the site in ‘night time mode’, with the main objective being to determine which bat species are present in and around the area. Two of the sites were very close to Hafan and Derwen cabins, one close to Llwynbwch Barn and the final one near Lou & Adam’s home.

Bat abundance overall was considered to be moderate. However, noctule activity was more than seen anywhere else in Wales by this surveyor, with the following 7 species detected: Common pipistrelle, Soprano pipistrelle, Longeared bat, Noctule bat, Natterer’s bat, Possible Daubenton’s bat and an Unidentified Myotis bat.

The bat most recorded was Common pipistrelle and is likely to be roosting at the site/ dwelling or very nearby. It was recorded at both dusk and dawn. The likelihood of bats roosting locally is determined by their expected time of emergence and also the time they arrive back at dawn to roost. The next most recorded bats were soprano
pipistrelle and noctule, with the latter being recorded at dusk and dawn suggesting a nearby roost. Longeared bat (Plecotus species), which is most likely to be brown long-eared, was recorded late in the evening and at dawn.
The Myotis group covers 6 species of bats in the UK and they are all difficult to identify unless captured, but there
are some subtle differences! Daubenton’s (Myotis daubentonii) and Natterer’s (Myotis natterer’s) bats can
sometimes be determined by their distinctive call shapes. However, it is likely that any bats identified as just
“Myotis” will include both Daubenton’s and Natterer’s bats. Echolocation calls vary, depending on what the bat is
doing and where it is. Myotis and Plecotus species are found roosting in buildings as well as in trees but the noctule are primarily tree dwellers and from its emergence here at Llwynbwch it is most likely to be roosting in one of the boundary or woodland mature trees.

Overall, a total of 24 new biological records, 6/7 species was generated from this site survey. Three
were new species records for the area (Daubenton’s, Natterers’ and longeared). We are so pleased to hear that our home and business are supporting so much night time activity!

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